The Best 18 Free Event Email Templates: Turbocharge Attendance

Event Marketing

Kathryn Humphries

December 12, 2024

The best 18 event email templates

Download our 18 event email templates and event email examples now to start using them right away.

Event email marketing and event email templates are more powerful than ever. 

Of all the marketing channels, email marketing has brought the highest return on investment (ROI) over the past 10 years (Campaign Monitor). Perhaps because a huge 4 billion people use emails every day.

But event marketers’ biggest challenge is making event email templates stand out to maximize attendance and engagement.

We’ve studied the millions of event emails our customers from the life science and professional services industry, as well as leading technology, financial, and manufacturing companies have been sending over the past 20+ years.

And we’ve curated a list of the best 18 event email templates that’ll help you get the results you want. 

Adapt these event email templates to any industry and any kind of event virtual, in-person, or hybrid. And follow our 11 event email marketing best practices to make your events a success.

Event reminder email cadence
Particularly good for hybrid and virtual events. If you’re planning an in-person event, adapt it to your needs.

Event email marketing: what is it and why are event email templates important?

Event email marketing is simply sending emails to market your events. It could be an event email template to create excitement, send an exclusive invite or share details or content from past events. 

Although staying on top of event emails is not easy for business leaders today, event email marketing has two key advantages that make it better than other techniques:

  • Its cost-effectiveness
  • Its ability to reach your specific audience directly

Just think, by having a set of event email templates that you tweak slightly every time you run an event, you can contact your audience at the click of a button. Social media marketing is great, but you have to hope the right people will see it. 

Event emails are definitely the way to go. Read on to find out more about the best 18 event email templates we recommend and the 11 best practices you should apply in your event email marketing strategy.

After your event, you should analyze the success of your email marketing campaign by noting down the data you collected, what went well, where the challenges were, and how you could improve for the future. To keep this all in one place, we recommend using a structured event debrief template. Download our in-depth event debrief template now and start improving your email marketing for future events.

18 event email templates to maximize attendance and engagement

To run a successful event, you need to maximize attendance and engagement. The following 18 event email templates are sure to help you do so.

You’ll find pre-event email templates to build interest and create a buzz around your event and during-the-event email templates to keep energy high. You’ll even find post-event email templates to wrap things up and build deeper customer relationships.

Feel free to add your own creative flair to these event email templates, and remember to always stay true to your brand and message.

You probably won’t want to send all 18 of these event email templates. After all, you don’t want to bombard your audiences’ inboxes with information. They already receive enough emails every day. Although a lot of event marketers don’t send enough event emails.

Feel free to take the information you want to give and merge templates together. And remember to segment your emails so you send the right content to the right people.

Pre-event email templates

Pre-event email template #1 Upcoming events email template

With this first event email template, you want to generate interest and start a  conversation. 

If it’s the first event of its kind, play that up with “Coming Soon” or “First-Ever” language to pique interest.

If it’s an annual event, taking a “We’re Back” or “Get Ready” approach can be a fun way to announce it.

While you’re building suspense, keep an air of mystery surrounding the details especially if you don’t have many yet but not so much that it’s too vague or confusing. Use bold images and text to draw in and excite your readers.

Why it works: It’s fun! Paired with the right imagery, you can really give your event email template some flair. While simply announcing your event is a solid option, if you have the opportunity to elevate it and build anticipation, why not? Everybody wants to avoid FOMO (fear of missing out).

Pre-event email template #2 Event announcement email template

Here is your big announcement. Keep your message in this event email template simple and clear so clear, in fact, that you can just state “Save the Date” and include the date of your event with a big, bold button to “Learn More” or embed a promotion video.

Keep details simple, and formatted in a short paragraph or a brief list.

“Join us on [event date] in [event location] for [event name]. More details to come!”

Lightly describe or tease the event, including speakers, activities, and unique opportunities.

End the event email template with a friendly remark:

“We look forward to seeing you!”

Why it works: This event email template is simple, effective, and clear, while still generating interest and excitement. You’re not overwhelming anyone with details. Instead, you’re sharing the most exciting parts and leaving room for additional follow-up opportunities.

Event announcement event email template

Pre-event email template #3 The exclusive early bird invitation event email template

Offer an exclusive invitation to those who you really want to see at your event by using an early bird invitation event email template. For example, you can add promotion codes or another offer. This is perfect for new or prospective clients, for those who have attended a previous event, or for your top customers.

Label it as “The Exclusive Invite from [event/company]” or “You’re Invited to [event name].”

The event itself can be enough of an exclusive opportunity, but if you’re able, consider offering this group of people extra incentives such as:

  • A ticket discount code
  • Group rates
  • VIP access
  • Special networking privileges at the event
  • Promotional merchandise

Why it works: Exclusive opportunities feel special, and you’ll get bonus points for personalizing the incentive in your event email template based on the email group (more on that later). Your guests will be more likely to respond or jump on the opportunity if they are given some extras that sweeten the deal.

Pre-event email template #4 The countdown event email template

Countdowns with actual embedded ticking clocks are perfect for the “Time is Running Out” event email template. Use this event email marketing tactic when exclusive offers or early bird registration dates will expire soon.

“Register now to save [amount of money or percentage] on tickets before they return to [full ticket price].”

“Your special discount will expire on [date]. Register now to save [amount].”

“There are only [number] VIP tickets left for [event name]. Don’t miss out on your exclusive access to [insert VIP opportunity].”

You also can use countdown emails for your actual event date and include reminders for agenda details, accommodation, directions, or other useful last-minute information.

Why it works: The sense of urgency works especially for people who intended to go to your event or take advantage of an offer but set it aside. When people are reminded that the “clock is ticking,” they’ll make it a priority so they don’t miss out.

Pre-event email template #5 The event invitation email template

Then comes the event email to invite all the other participants. In this event email template, you should have a clear subject line, a friendly tone, and all the information they need about your event.

Depending on the type of event, you should include:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Duration
  • Location
  • Event content

Give an overview of what will happen at your event and what attendees will get out of it. If your email readers instantly see what’s in it for them, they’re more likely to sign up.

If you have an event platform or mobile event app that you’ll be using, talk about the ways you will use technology to keep your audience engaged. Event platforms like SpotMe have countless engagement features to help keep energy sky-high, such as:

Why it works: People get event invitation emails all the time. In this event email template, you need to explain what your event has to offer them to grab their interest. And of course, you need to give them all the information they need to know how and when to attend.

Event invitation event email template

Pre-event email template #6 The event promotion email template

This event email template is for the people who keep opening your event emails but haven’t signed up yet.

Use this opportunity to convince them. Keep it playful, and list the reasons why they should attend and how it will be beneficial.

Answer a short mix of basic and informational questions, such as:

  • When is it, again?
  • Why should I come?
  • Who’s going to be there?
  • What’s going to happen?

Consider including a promo code or other extra incentive, too:

“Still not convinced? Here’s a code for 20% off the price of a ticket if you change your mind.”

Why it works: Showing off the personality of your brand, while including some relevant details they might have skimmed over before in this event email template, could be the final boost to get them to click and sign up.

Pre-event email template #7 The last chance email template

With this event email template, you want to create a sense of urgency and make those reading it feel like they really will miss out if they don’t attend. 

Tell them how many people have already signed up or share a statistic about your event topic that will grab their attention.

Highlight that there is not much time left until the event, so they have to sign up now if they don’t want to lose the chance of participating in your event.

Why it works: As human beings, we want to integrate, be up to date, and stay ahead of others. Especially in today’s competitive job market. Sending an event email template as part of your fear-based marketing strategy may well get you those final signups to boost attendance.  

Pre-event email template #8 The event registration email template and event calendar email template

Once people have signed up for your event, you need to send out an event email template confirming they have registered.

In this event email, you’ll want to use a friendly tone and get the recipient excited about your upcoming event.

Include a button in the event email template so that people can easily add the event to their Google or Outlook calendars. You don’t want them to forget to do it manually and end up not attending after all your effort!

Why it works: This email event template gets participants enthusiastic about what is to come and makes their lives easier. And if you are running a virtual event and it’s in the person’s calendar, you boost the chances of them turning up.

Event registration event email template

Pre-event email template #9 The refer a friend event email template

We all know that the best people really do come through referrals. So, if you don’t ask those who have signed up for your event to refer a friend or two, you’re missing out on a great opportunity!

Write a short, snappy event email template asking whether your guest knows anybody who would be interested in attending. But let them know that if nobody comes to mind, it’s no problem.

We recommend sending this email a couple of days after each person has registered. You never know, it may help you increase your number of attendees tenfold.

Why it works: Your event is fresh in your guest’s minds and giving them the option to simply forward the event email template to their friends doesn’t require a lot of effort. Plus, people often want to help their friends out. If you’ve convinced them to attend your event, they can convince others.

Pre-event email template #10 The speaker announcement email template

What are your most-asked questions from prospective clients or attendees? What are some cool tidbits about your brand and this event? Who attended in previous years?

Display some fun facts and FAQs in this event email template. And include some interesting facts about this year’s speakers or vendors with headshots and other relevant photos.

Point out some statistics from previous events to give guests an idea of what they can expect, and to get them excited for what’s to come.

Why it works: It continues to build interest in your event, gives new friends some helpful context, and gives the event more of a community feel. Keep this event email template from feeling like a formal newsletter by keeping it light and conversational, and include color, bold fonts, and graphics to break up the text.

To get inspired on how to keep your audience engaged, check out our article with 20 ideas for virtual event engagement.

Pre-event email template #11 The pre-event engagement email template

When it comes to virtual events, out of those who sign up, 50% attend. So, you need to focus on pre-event engagement to boost your attendance rate. Those who do something for an event beforehand are 60% more likely to turn up.

If you have a virtual or hybrid event platform, you can give guests access to the activity feed where you can post engaging content and get them interacting with it. Just remember to tell them about it in your event email template!

Some other ways to engage your guests before your event could be to:

  • Allow them to select the sessions they want to see
  • Create a pre-event knowledge quiz (and then follow up after your event with a post-event quiz so they can see how much they learned)
  • Ask them to share their experience on a certain topic and then address it during the panel discussion 

Why it works: So many event planners stop sending event email templates once people have signed up. They simply wait for the day of the event to arrive. But they are missing out on a golden opportunity to start building relationships with customers before their event. And they may miss out on more attendees as a result. Use pre-event engagement emails to help guests look forward to your event even more.

Pre event engagement event email template

Pair your pre-event engagement email with a knowledge quiz full of pre-event survey questions to boost the chance that people will turn up to your event.

Pre-event email template #12 The event details email template and know before you go email template

Put valuable event information in this event email template. Based on whether it’s directed at new, potential, or returning guests, you can explain important points such as:

  • Event rundown
  • What to expect
  • How to get there (if it’s in-person or hybrid)
  • How to access the event platform (if it’s virtual or hybrid)

Frame it by addressing your guest by name and keeping a friendly and lighthearted tone: 

“Hey [Name], [event name] is coming up soon. We wanted to share some helpful info and tips to make the process as smooth as possible.”

List the information in a clear and concise way, providing relevant links with bold buttons where applicable.

Why it works: Your guests will always have questions about the event, and one of the most frustrating parts of an event can be a lack of information on the logistics. Save your guests time and energy and give yourself another reason to keep in touch before the event by sending useful information in this event email template.

Optional extra: 

Cover all the bases. You may think you’ve thought of absolutely everything, but people are going to have more questions about your event.

Clearly present all buttons for social media accounts and “Contact Us,” or encourage replying to the email for questions if you’re set up that way.

Make people feel comfortable reaching out:

“[Name], [event name] is coming soon and we’d love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding this year’s event.”

“Did we miss anything, [Name]? Let us know how we can help as you prepare for [event name].”

Why it works: You can add all this info to any event email template you send before your event. But this is a great place to do so. It lets attendees know you don’t mind hearing from them and want them to feel comfortable and prepared. Pointing to social media helps them connect with you in multiple ways and in a more casual setting.

If you want to send your guests accurate information (and if you want to give them a great experience!), you’ll need to your event completely mapped out. Our team of internal project managers have put together the ultimate template to help you create a detailed run of show. Download the event run of show template now.

Pre-event email template #13 The go live email template

Another event email template event planners often forget to send when they host virtual or hybrid events is the go live email template.

Yes, your guests will have the event in their calendar because you sent them the event email with the ‘Add to calendar’ link. But they may be focusing on something and may not have noticed the time. It happens to us all!

Send a short go live email an hour before your virtual or hybrid event as a gentle reminder for those who are attending remotely. And remind them how they can access the event. It doesn’t have to be anything complex.

Why it works: This event email template is key if you want to make sure you max out on virtual attendees. Seeing this event email pop up on their screen an hour before will give them enough time to get organized and make sure they attend.

During-the-event email templates

During-the-event email template #14 The staying connected event email template

Who says event emails need to stop just because the event has begun? Especially if your event lasts more than a day. Continue to stay in touch during the event and send a mini digest to keep everyone connected and in the know.

Create an event email template to:

  • Clear up any questions that have come up from attendees
  • Address any snags that have been smoothed out
  • Highlight amazing speakers or sessions
  • Point out funny, significant, or heartwarming moments
  • Promote other upcoming events, products, or services

Instead of addressing attendees personally, consider addressing everyone as a group: 

“It’s been an amazing first day at [event name]! Here are today’s highlights: [insert list]”

“The momentum continues tomorrow with [highlight sessions, speakers, or entertainment].”

Why it works: With this event email template, you’re going to keep engagement high, enhance the sense of community among attendees, and show everyone how hard your team is working to ensure things go smoothly and everyone has a great experience.

Post-event email templates

Post-event email template #15 The thank you for attending event email template

Phew, the event is over. Great job! But your event email templates shouldn’t stop there! 

Now it’s time to send a huge thank you email to your attendees for making it such a success.

“Wow! [Event name] ended up bigger and better than we ever could have imagined. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to contribute to its success — we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.”

After your thank you note, break down and link to the following in the same event email:

  • Photos and videos
  • Live-streamed speakers and sessions
  • Event statistics
  • Blog content
  • Sharing options
  • Post-event knowledge quiz (if you sent out a pre-event knowledge quiz)

If you run a virtual or hybrid event, it’s a great idea to repurpose your content by posting it on an on-demand content hub. That way, in this event email template, you can tell your guests that they can go back and relive the experience whenever they like. 

Event platforms like SpotMe have their own gated on-demand content hubs that allow you to turn your live event into an on-demand video in just a few clicks.

Why it works: Everyone loves a good recap. Attendees will love access to recorded content and will want to see if they made it into any of the photos. Make sure you provide options to share because if people had a good time, you want them to let others know.

Post-event email template #16 The post-event follow-up email template and event survey email template

After you thank everyone, it’s time to hear your attendees’ thoughts.

Keep it simple:

“Tell us what you thought!”

Or elaborate:

“[Event name] was filled with special speakers and exciting content, and we want next year to be even better. Don’t hold back. Tell us what worked, what didn’t, and what’s next.”

After your introduction, include buttons in the event email template that link to polls or a survey. Encourage feedback on their favorite moments, and allow them to elaborate.

Incorporate the best comments and feedback into your next event promotion.

It’s sometimes hard to get people to fill out a survey. So, why not offer an attendance certificate or some other reward if your guests do fill it out for you?

Why it works: Giving your attendees a voice shows you care about what they think and you want to improve. Frame your questions within the polls and surveys to be as genuine as possible to encourage the most honest and useful feedback. This event email template is key for you to collect data to improve in the future.

Post event follow up event email template

Post-event email template #17 The no show event email template

If you hosted a virtual or hybrid event, you’ll want to follow up with those who didn’t make it to your event.

Of course, you don’t want to show any hard feelings, but you can lightly express your disappointment at not seeing them there.

Given that you don’t know the reason they couldn’t attend, they will appreciate it if you send them an on-demand version of the event that they can watch whenever it suits them. So make sure you send a link to the on-demand content.

Why it works: Giving those who didn’t attend the link to your on-demand content in a dedicated event email template shows that you’re a brand that cares about others and wants to share its knowledge and expertise. This will help establish you as a friendly thought leader.

Post-event email template #18 The post-event early bird registration email template

This is the last event email template to send to your event participants but also those who didn’t attend.

While your event is still fresh in their mind, this is a great chance to briefly promote or tease your next events. No need to give too much detail – especially if you don’t have it yet.

Say you’ll be in touch with more information soon and sign off with a personal email signature. This concludes the event email marketing cycle.

Why it works: You should take any chance you get to promote your future events. If your participants enjoyed this event, they’re likely to be interested in attending other events you run too. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Determining how to track how effective your event marketing efforts are? Consider these 12 Event Metrics to Measure your Success.

11 event email marketing best practices you should use alongside your event email templates

Almost 105 billion emails are sent each day. (Optinmonster) People’s inboxes are overflowing. 

If your audiences’ are constantly receiving event emails, how do you make yours stand out?

Effective event email marketing must be strategic, and this means you really need to know your audience. Follow these best practices to give your event email templates a productive boost. 

Event email marketing is just one piece of the puzzle. Check out the One Event Marketing Plan to Rule Them All (Plus a Template to Get You Started).

Event email marketing best practice #1 Personalize your message

Did you know that emails with personalized subject lines have 50% higher open rates? (Yes Lifecycle Marketing)

Have you ever seen an email pop up saying, “[Name], time is running out”? It definitely makes you pause for a moment and click to see what the deal is.

Put your reader’s name in the subject line or start the body of your event email templates with “Hi [Name],” then continue with a message that fits their unique relationship with your brand. You can get this data from your CRM software.

For an extra touch, add a name from someone at your company to the event email signature with a headshot. It will help make the invitation feel personal.

Why it works: Adding a personalized boost to any event email template will help grab attention, and feel like you put in the extra effort to care. It can make the reader feel as if they already have an established relationship with you.

Event email marketing best practice #2 Living content

Ever heard of dynamic content? This type of content changes based on user data. The data you have about your readers can be used to place dynamic content in event email templates based on their interests, preferences, or demographics.

You can collect this data from what emails your readers have opened and clicked on in the past, including videos and graphics. 

As a result, you can include more of what they’ve clicked on and give them exactly the content they will engage with a great event email marketing technique. Send them a particular message regarding event promotion, area-specific information, or remind them to register.

Tailoring this content to your readers will be an additional personal touch. If you have events in multiple locations, for example, the right location will pop up for them in their email.

Event email marketing best practice #3 Make the call to action clear and concise 

Keep it simple: What do you want your readers to do? There’s a place for clever, cute, and creative, but it mostly boils down to a clear and concise call to action. You want your message to state your intentions and tell people exactly what you need from them.

Are you sending an invitation? Asking them to save the date? Sharing some big news? Put this action in the subject line and tie it to bold, clickable buttons in the body of the event email template.

Remember, your readers are getting dozens of emails a day, if not hundreds. As they skim their inbox, they will need your event email to pop out. And you want them to take the right action.

Event email marketing best practice #4 Put the call to action in the right place

Most of the time, you’re using event email marketing to direct someone to a landing page. Make it obvious by providing strong and intentional placement of CTA buttons such as:

  • “Register”
  • “Sign Up”
  • “Learn More”

The buttons within the event email should be bold, with a color that makes them stand out but doesn’t clash with the rest of the design.

Provide adequate space around the buttons so it’s clear that they’re the main attractions on the page.

Your event email template buttons will catch the eye of your reader, which is exactly what they’re supposed to do. Buttons that don’t stand out or are too small can confuse readers and make it difficult for them to find what they need.

Event email marketing best practice #5 Be bold and colorful

It’s okay to break design rules with event email marketing, as long as you’re staying true to your brand and message.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, don’t be afraid to use bold colors and design choices that make sense.

Stack content and colors, use one huge image, or create a mosaic whatever helps you get your message across in a bold way. 

Use a wild design for your save the date, registration, countdowns, or highlights to grab attention.

It’s hard to stand out in an inbox. If you can take a risk, you might be surprised at the response. 

Event email marketing best practice #6 Optimize for web AND mobile

How many times have you missed half the text in an event email because it cuts off on your smartphone? Readers will disregard your message if they don’t understand what you’re trying to tell them.

42.3% of users delete emails that are not optimized for mobile. – SaleCycle

With a clear and concise message, you won’t run into the problem of missing text, but how about your creative photo display or stunning graphics? 

85% of users access email via mobile. (99firms) So, if it’s not web or mobile-optimized, your event email template will most likely not display correctly and you run the risk of losing clicks and attendance for your next big event.

Event email template example

Event email marketing best practice #7 Include creative content

When you’ve fully optimized your event email template for web and mobile, you can freely include all the bold, eye-catching, fun content that will result in increased clicks and engagement.

Consider including the following to boost activity and create a memorable email experience:

  • Photos
  • Video clips of past events
  • Pre-event surveys
  • Quizzes
  • Polls

By providing a lot of engagement and featuring past events, you’re also carrying out successful event email marketing and generating interest in your next event.

Event email marketing best practice #8 Tease out important details

Is your next big hybrid event coming up and you need top-notch hybrid event marketing? Think about what aspects will draw attention and tease out how amazing it’s going to be over several event emails during your event email marketing campaign. 

Consider advertising important speakers, can’t-miss entertainment, or exciting workshops. Offer early bird discounts or perks for inviting others.

You can even tease your swag. Include these elements as part of your “save the dates” and upcoming reminder event email templates as the event nears. Remind your readers why they want to be there and how they shouldn’t miss the opportunities and value your event will present. 

Event email marketing best practice #9 Pull from the past, look to the future

Creating new promotional content such as blog posts, graphics, and videos is awesome and helpful for creating hype around your upcoming event, so be sure to embed this content into your event emails. 

But sprinkled in with the new, pull in some content from past events. Include this type of past content:

  • Video clips and photos
  • Keynote highlights
  • Attendee quotes
  • Soundbites

Bring together old and new content in unique ways: 

“Last year, we had a lot of fun with [event highlight]. So this year, we are taking it to the next level with [new event idea].”

“[Speaker name] taught us last year that [insert lesson]. We are bringing that to life this year with [insert new session/speaker topic].”

People feel more comfortable when they know what to expect. Giving them examples from past content in your event email templates will help attendees make connections and picture the opportunities for themselves. It’s also an opportunity to show off your growth.

Event email marketing best practice #10 Perfect the email reminder

You need to be persistent in reminding people of your upcoming event, but never annoying. The last thing you want to do is make people so tired of your event emails that they unsubscribe.

Avoid email fatigue by continuing to provide new information, important reminders, and quality content to keep event emails fresh, inviting, and engaging.

The key is to target reminders to the appropriate reader: Who has already registered and needs actual event logistics? Who still hasn’t registered but opens every upcoming event email? Who hasn’t opened a single event email, and this is your final request? Customize your reminders to different audience segments for optimal results.

Event email marketing best practice #11 Don’t forget to follow up

Send post-event emails to thank attendees for coming. This follow-up might also include event highlights such as memorable video clips and photos, interesting statistics, and a poll or survey for feedback.

Be sure to make attendees feel like their time was appreciated, and that you genuinely want to hear from them about what they liked and how you can improve future events.

You can also include links to on-demand content, and encourage content sharing on social media to expand your reach and gain fresh interest.

Pair the best event email templates with an event platform to drive results

If you use these event email templates and apply these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to crafting engaging, first-rate event email marketing content that will boost attendance, clicks, and interaction.

As you gather more and more data from attendees, you can continue tailoring your upcoming events email templates and post-event email templates to guarantee even greater success.

With an event platform like SpotMe, you can design and schedule event emails quickly and easily. Some event email templates are already set up for you on the platform! You can simply adapt them to your needs.

Plus, you can get crucial data from the event emails you send to help personalize your content and build better customer relationships.

To get more insights on how to write winning event emails, download our event email templates now. We’ve created the templates based on 20+ years of experience in the event industry.

And to see how SpotMe can help make your events a success, request a demo.

Everything you need for your event email marketing strategy

Check out the following articles to find the solution that will support your event marketing strategy:

Other templates to help you run engaging events that audiences love

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Kathryn Humphries

As SpotMe’s Head of Content, I share useful insights and handy tips on event management, marketing, and tech every day. I have 6+ years’ experience writing, editing, and managing content for large international companies. When I’m not coming up with creative ideas, you’ll find me singing along to musical theater or traveling the world!

The best 18 event email templates

Download our 18 event email templates and event email examples now to start using them right away.

Event email marketing and event email templates are more powerful than ever. 

Of all the marketing channels, email marketing has brought the highest return on investment (ROI) over the past 10 years (Campaign Monitor). Perhaps because a huge 4 billion people use emails every day.

But event marketers’ biggest challenge is making event email templates stand out to maximize attendance and engagement.

We’ve studied the millions of event emails our customers from the life science and professional services industry, as well as leading technology, financial, and manufacturing companies have been sending over the past 20+ years.

And we’ve curated a list of the best 18 event email templates that’ll help you get the results you want. 

Adapt these event email templates to any industry and any kind of event virtual, in-person, or hybrid. And follow our 11 event email marketing best practices to make your events a success.

Event reminder email cadence
Particularly good for hybrid and virtual events. If you’re planning an in-person event, adapt it to your needs.

Event email marketing: what is it and why are event email templates important?

Event email marketing is simply sending emails to market your events. It could be an event email template to create excitement, send an exclusive invite or share details or content from past events. 

Although staying on top of event emails is not easy for business leaders today, event email marketing has two key advantages that make it better than other techniques:

  • Its cost-effectiveness
  • Its ability to reach your specific audience directly

Just think, by having a set of event email templates that you tweak slightly every time you run an event, you can contact your audience at the click of a button. Social media marketing is great, but you have to hope the right people will see it. 

Event emails are definitely the way to go. Read on to find out more about the best 18 event email templates we recommend and the 11 best practices you should apply in your event email marketing strategy.

After your event, you should analyze the success of your email marketing campaign by noting down the data you collected, what went well, where the challenges were, and how you could improve for the future. To keep this all in one place, we recommend using a structured event debrief template. Download our in-depth event debrief template now and start improving your email marketing for future events.

18 event email templates to maximize attendance and engagement

To run a successful event, you need to maximize attendance and engagement. The following 18 event email templates are sure to help you do so.

You’ll find pre-event email templates to build interest and create a buzz around your event and during-the-event email templates to keep energy high. You’ll even find post-event email templates to wrap things up and build deeper customer relationships.

Feel free to add your own creative flair to these event email templates, and remember to always stay true to your brand and message.

You probably won’t want to send all 18 of these event email templates. After all, you don’t want to bombard your audiences’ inboxes with information. They already receive enough emails every day. Although a lot of event marketers don’t send enough event emails.

Feel free to take the information you want to give and merge templates together. And remember to segment your emails so you send the right content to the right people.

Pre-event email templates

Pre-event email template #1 Upcoming events email template

With this first event email template, you want to generate interest and start a  conversation. 

If it’s the first event of its kind, play that up with “Coming Soon” or “First-Ever” language to pique interest.

If it’s an annual event, taking a “We’re Back” or “Get Ready” approach can be a fun way to announce it.

While you’re building suspense, keep an air of mystery surrounding the details especially if you don’t have many yet but not so much that it’s too vague or confusing. Use bold images and text to draw in and excite your readers.

Why it works: It’s fun! Paired with the right imagery, you can really give your event email template some flair. While simply announcing your event is a solid option, if you have the opportunity to elevate it and build anticipation, why not? Everybody wants to avoid FOMO (fear of missing out).

Pre-event email template #2 Event announcement email template

Here is your big announcement. Keep your message in this event email template simple and clear so clear, in fact, that you can just state “Save the Date” and include the date of your event with a big, bold button to “Learn More” or embed a promotion video.

Keep details simple, and formatted in a short paragraph or a brief list.

“Join us on [event date] in [event location] for [event name]. More details to come!”

Lightly describe or tease the event, including speakers, activities, and unique opportunities.

End the event email template with a friendly remark:

“We look forward to seeing you!”

Why it works: This event email template is simple, effective, and clear, while still generating interest and excitement. You’re not overwhelming anyone with details. Instead, you’re sharing the most exciting parts and leaving room for additional follow-up opportunities.

Event announcement event email template

Pre-event email template #3 The exclusive early bird invitation event email template

Offer an exclusive invitation to those who you really want to see at your event by using an early bird invitation event email template. For example, you can add promotion codes or another offer. This is perfect for new or prospective clients, for those who have attended a previous event, or for your top customers.

Label it as “The Exclusive Invite from [event/company]” or “You’re Invited to [event name].”

The event itself can be enough of an exclusive opportunity, but if you’re able, consider offering this group of people extra incentives such as:

  • A ticket discount code
  • Group rates
  • VIP access
  • Special networking privileges at the event
  • Promotional merchandise

Why it works: Exclusive opportunities feel special, and you’ll get bonus points for personalizing the incentive in your event email template based on the email group (more on that later). Your guests will be more likely to respond or jump on the opportunity if they are given some extras that sweeten the deal.

Pre-event email template #4 The countdown event email template

Countdowns with actual embedded ticking clocks are perfect for the “Time is Running Out” event email template. Use this event email marketing tactic when exclusive offers or early bird registration dates will expire soon.

“Register now to save [amount of money or percentage] on tickets before they return to [full ticket price].”

“Your special discount will expire on [date]. Register now to save [amount].”

“There are only [number] VIP tickets left for [event name]. Don’t miss out on your exclusive access to [insert VIP opportunity].”

You also can use countdown emails for your actual event date and include reminders for agenda details, accommodation, directions, or other useful last-minute information.

Why it works: The sense of urgency works especially for people who intended to go to your event or take advantage of an offer but set it aside. When people are reminded that the “clock is ticking,” they’ll make it a priority so they don’t miss out.

Pre-event email template #5 The event invitation email template

Then comes the event email to invite all the other participants. In this event email template, you should have a clear subject line, a friendly tone, and all the information they need about your event.

Depending on the type of event, you should include:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Duration
  • Location
  • Event content

Give an overview of what will happen at your event and what attendees will get out of it. If your email readers instantly see what’s in it for them, they’re more likely to sign up.

If you have an event platform or mobile event app that you’ll be using, talk about the ways you will use technology to keep your audience engaged. Event platforms like SpotMe have countless engagement features to help keep energy sky-high, such as:

Why it works: People get event invitation emails all the time. In this event email template, you need to explain what your event has to offer them to grab their interest. And of course, you need to give them all the information they need to know how and when to attend.

Event invitation event email template

Pre-event email template #6 The event promotion email template

This event email template is for the people who keep opening your event emails but haven’t signed up yet.

Use this opportunity to convince them. Keep it playful, and list the reasons why they should attend and how it will be beneficial.

Answer a short mix of basic and informational questions, such as:

  • When is it, again?
  • Why should I come?
  • Who’s going to be there?
  • What’s going to happen?

Consider including a promo code or other extra incentive, too:

“Still not convinced? Here’s a code for 20% off the price of a ticket if you change your mind.”

Why it works: Showing off the personality of your brand, while including some relevant details they might have skimmed over before in this event email template, could be the final boost to get them to click and sign up.

Pre-event email template #7 The last chance email template

With this event email template, you want to create a sense of urgency and make those reading it feel like they really will miss out if they don’t attend. 

Tell them how many people have already signed up or share a statistic about your event topic that will grab their attention.

Highlight that there is not much time left until the event, so they have to sign up now if they don’t want to lose the chance of participating in your event.

Why it works: As human beings, we want to integrate, be up to date, and stay ahead of others. Especially in today’s competitive job market. Sending an event email template as part of your fear-based marketing strategy may well get you those final signups to boost attendance.  

Pre-event email template #8 The event registration email template and event calendar email template

Once people have signed up for your event, you need to send out an event email template confirming they have registered.

In this event email, you’ll want to use a friendly tone and get the recipient excited about your upcoming event.

Include a button in the event email template so that people can easily add the event to their Google or Outlook calendars. You don’t want them to forget to do it manually and end up not attending after all your effort!

Why it works: This email event template gets participants enthusiastic about what is to come and makes their lives easier. And if you are running a virtual event and it’s in the person’s calendar, you boost the chances of them turning up.

Event registration event email template

Pre-event email template #9 The refer a friend event email template

We all know that the best people really do come through referrals. So, if you don’t ask those who have signed up for your event to refer a friend or two, you’re missing out on a great opportunity!

Write a short, snappy event email template asking whether your guest knows anybody who would be interested in attending. But let them know that if nobody comes to mind, it’s no problem.

We recommend sending this email a couple of days after each person has registered. You never know, it may help you increase your number of attendees tenfold.

Why it works: Your event is fresh in your guest’s minds and giving them the option to simply forward the event email template to their friends doesn’t require a lot of effort. Plus, people often want to help their friends out. If you’ve convinced them to attend your event, they can convince others.

Pre-event email template #10 The speaker announcement email template

What are your most-asked questions from prospective clients or attendees? What are some cool tidbits about your brand and this event? Who attended in previous years?

Display some fun facts and FAQs in this event email template. And include some interesting facts about this year’s speakers or vendors with headshots and other relevant photos.

Point out some statistics from previous events to give guests an idea of what they can expect, and to get them excited for what’s to come.

Why it works: It continues to build interest in your event, gives new friends some helpful context, and gives the event more of a community feel. Keep this event email template from feeling like a formal newsletter by keeping it light and conversational, and include color, bold fonts, and graphics to break up the text.

To get inspired on how to keep your audience engaged, check out our article with 20 ideas for virtual event engagement.

Pre-event email template #11 The pre-event engagement email template

When it comes to virtual events, out of those who sign up, 50% attend. So, you need to focus on pre-event engagement to boost your attendance rate. Those who do something for an event beforehand are 60% more likely to turn up.

If you have a virtual or hybrid event platform, you can give guests access to the activity feed where you can post engaging content and get them interacting with it. Just remember to tell them about it in your event email template!

Some other ways to engage your guests before your event could be to:

  • Allow them to select the sessions they want to see
  • Create a pre-event knowledge quiz (and then follow up after your event with a post-event quiz so they can see how much they learned)
  • Ask them to share their experience on a certain topic and then address it during the panel discussion 

Why it works: So many event planners stop sending event email templates once people have signed up. They simply wait for the day of the event to arrive. But they are missing out on a golden opportunity to start building relationships with customers before their event. And they may miss out on more attendees as a result. Use pre-event engagement emails to help guests look forward to your event even more.

Pre event engagement event email template

Pair your pre-event engagement email with a knowledge quiz full of pre-event survey questions to boost the chance that people will turn up to your event.

Pre-event email template #12 The event details email template and know before you go email template

Put valuable event information in this event email template. Based on whether it’s directed at new, potential, or returning guests, you can explain important points such as:

  • Event rundown
  • What to expect
  • How to get there (if it’s in-person or hybrid)
  • How to access the event platform (if it’s virtual or hybrid)

Frame it by addressing your guest by name and keeping a friendly and lighthearted tone: 

“Hey [Name], [event name] is coming up soon. We wanted to share some helpful info and tips to make the process as smooth as possible.”

List the information in a clear and concise way, providing relevant links with bold buttons where applicable.

Why it works: Your guests will always have questions about the event, and one of the most frustrating parts of an event can be a lack of information on the logistics. Save your guests time and energy and give yourself another reason to keep in touch before the event by sending useful information in this event email template.

Optional extra: 

Cover all the bases. You may think you’ve thought of absolutely everything, but people are going to have more questions about your event.

Clearly present all buttons for social media accounts and “Contact Us,” or encourage replying to the email for questions if you’re set up that way.

Make people feel comfortable reaching out:

“[Name], [event name] is coming soon and we’d love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding this year’s event.”

“Did we miss anything, [Name]? Let us know how we can help as you prepare for [event name].”

Why it works: You can add all this info to any event email template you send before your event. But this is a great place to do so. It lets attendees know you don’t mind hearing from them and want them to feel comfortable and prepared. Pointing to social media helps them connect with you in multiple ways and in a more casual setting.

If you want to send your guests accurate information (and if you want to give them a great experience!), you’ll need to your event completely mapped out. Our team of internal project managers have put together the ultimate template to help you create a detailed run of show. Download the event run of show template now.

Pre-event email template #13 The go live email template

Another event email template event planners often forget to send when they host virtual or hybrid events is the go live email template.

Yes, your guests will have the event in their calendar because you sent them the event email with the ‘Add to calendar’ link. But they may be focusing on something and may not have noticed the time. It happens to us all!

Send a short go live email an hour before your virtual or hybrid event as a gentle reminder for those who are attending remotely. And remind them how they can access the event. It doesn’t have to be anything complex.

Why it works: This event email template is key if you want to make sure you max out on virtual attendees. Seeing this event email pop up on their screen an hour before will give them enough time to get organized and make sure they attend.

During-the-event email templates

During-the-event email template #14 The staying connected event email template

Who says event emails need to stop just because the event has begun? Especially if your event lasts more than a day. Continue to stay in touch during the event and send a mini digest to keep everyone connected and in the know.

Create an event email template to:

  • Clear up any questions that have come up from attendees
  • Address any snags that have been smoothed out
  • Highlight amazing speakers or sessions
  • Point out funny, significant, or heartwarming moments
  • Promote other upcoming events, products, or services

Instead of addressing attendees personally, consider addressing everyone as a group: 

“It’s been an amazing first day at [event name]! Here are today’s highlights: [insert list]”

“The momentum continues tomorrow with [highlight sessions, speakers, or entertainment].”

Why it works: With this event email template, you’re going to keep engagement high, enhance the sense of community among attendees, and show everyone how hard your team is working to ensure things go smoothly and everyone has a great experience.

Post-event email templates

Post-event email template #15 The thank you for attending event email template

Phew, the event is over. Great job! But your event email templates shouldn’t stop there! 

Now it’s time to send a huge thank you email to your attendees for making it such a success.

“Wow! [Event name] ended up bigger and better than we ever could have imagined. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to contribute to its success — we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.”

After your thank you note, break down and link to the following in the same event email:

  • Photos and videos
  • Live-streamed speakers and sessions
  • Event statistics
  • Blog content
  • Sharing options
  • Post-event knowledge quiz (if you sent out a pre-event knowledge quiz)

If you run a virtual or hybrid event, it’s a great idea to repurpose your content by posting it on an on-demand content hub. That way, in this event email template, you can tell your guests that they can go back and relive the experience whenever they like. 

Event platforms like SpotMe have their own gated on-demand content hubs that allow you to turn your live event into an on-demand video in just a few clicks.

Why it works: Everyone loves a good recap. Attendees will love access to recorded content and will want to see if they made it into any of the photos. Make sure you provide options to share because if people had a good time, you want them to let others know.

Post-event email template #16 The post-event follow-up email template and event survey email template

After you thank everyone, it’s time to hear your attendees’ thoughts.

Keep it simple:

“Tell us what you thought!”

Or elaborate:

“[Event name] was filled with special speakers and exciting content, and we want next year to be even better. Don’t hold back. Tell us what worked, what didn’t, and what’s next.”

After your introduction, include buttons in the event email template that link to polls or a survey. Encourage feedback on their favorite moments, and allow them to elaborate.

Incorporate the best comments and feedback into your next event promotion.

It’s sometimes hard to get people to fill out a survey. So, why not offer an attendance certificate or some other reward if your guests do fill it out for you?

Why it works: Giving your attendees a voice shows you care about what they think and you want to improve. Frame your questions within the polls and surveys to be as genuine as possible to encourage the most honest and useful feedback. This event email template is key for you to collect data to improve in the future.

Post event follow up event email template

Post-event email template #17 The no show event email template

If you hosted a virtual or hybrid event, you’ll want to follow up with those who didn’t make it to your event.

Of course, you don’t want to show any hard feelings, but you can lightly express your disappointment at not seeing them there.

Given that you don’t know the reason they couldn’t attend, they will appreciate it if you send them an on-demand version of the event that they can watch whenever it suits them. So make sure you send a link to the on-demand content.

Why it works: Giving those who didn’t attend the link to your on-demand content in a dedicated event email template shows that you’re a brand that cares about others and wants to share its knowledge and expertise. This will help establish you as a friendly thought leader.

Post-event email template #18 The post-event early bird registration email template

This is the last event email template to send to your event participants but also those who didn’t attend.

While your event is still fresh in their mind, this is a great chance to briefly promote or tease your next events. No need to give too much detail – especially if you don’t have it yet.

Say you’ll be in touch with more information soon and sign off with a personal email signature. This concludes the event email marketing cycle.

Why it works: You should take any chance you get to promote your future events. If your participants enjoyed this event, they’re likely to be interested in attending other events you run too. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Determining how to track how effective your event marketing efforts are? Consider these 12 Event Metrics to Measure your Success.

11 event email marketing best practices you should use alongside your event email templates

Almost 105 billion emails are sent each day. (Optinmonster) People’s inboxes are overflowing. 

If your audiences’ are constantly receiving event emails, how do you make yours stand out?

Effective event email marketing must be strategic, and this means you really need to know your audience. Follow these best practices to give your event email templates a productive boost. 

Event email marketing is just one piece of the puzzle. Check out the One Event Marketing Plan to Rule Them All (Plus a Template to Get You Started).

Event email marketing best practice #1 Personalize your message

Did you know that emails with personalized subject lines have 50% higher open rates? (Yes Lifecycle Marketing)

Have you ever seen an email pop up saying, “[Name], time is running out”? It definitely makes you pause for a moment and click to see what the deal is.

Put your reader’s name in the subject line or start the body of your event email templates with “Hi [Name],” then continue with a message that fits their unique relationship with your brand. You can get this data from your CRM software.

For an extra touch, add a name from someone at your company to the event email signature with a headshot. It will help make the invitation feel personal.

Why it works: Adding a personalized boost to any event email template will help grab attention, and feel like you put in the extra effort to care. It can make the reader feel as if they already have an established relationship with you.

Event email marketing best practice #2 Living content

Ever heard of dynamic content? This type of content changes based on user data. The data you have about your readers can be used to place dynamic content in event email templates based on their interests, preferences, or demographics.

You can collect this data from what emails your readers have opened and clicked on in the past, including videos and graphics. 

As a result, you can include more of what they’ve clicked on and give them exactly the content they will engage with a great event email marketing technique. Send them a particular message regarding event promotion, area-specific information, or remind them to register.

Tailoring this content to your readers will be an additional personal touch. If you have events in multiple locations, for example, the right location will pop up for them in their email.

Event email marketing best practice #3 Make the call to action clear and concise 

Keep it simple: What do you want your readers to do? There’s a place for clever, cute, and creative, but it mostly boils down to a clear and concise call to action. You want your message to state your intentions and tell people exactly what you need from them.

Are you sending an invitation? Asking them to save the date? Sharing some big news? Put this action in the subject line and tie it to bold, clickable buttons in the body of the event email template.

Remember, your readers are getting dozens of emails a day, if not hundreds. As they skim their inbox, they will need your event email to pop out. And you want them to take the right action.

Event email marketing best practice #4 Put the call to action in the right place

Most of the time, you’re using event email marketing to direct someone to a landing page. Make it obvious by providing strong and intentional placement of CTA buttons such as:

  • “Register”
  • “Sign Up”
  • “Learn More”

The buttons within the event email should be bold, with a color that makes them stand out but doesn’t clash with the rest of the design.

Provide adequate space around the buttons so it’s clear that they’re the main attractions on the page.

Your event email template buttons will catch the eye of your reader, which is exactly what they’re supposed to do. Buttons that don’t stand out or are too small can confuse readers and make it difficult for them to find what they need.

Event email marketing best practice #5 Be bold and colorful

It’s okay to break design rules with event email marketing, as long as you’re staying true to your brand and message.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, don’t be afraid to use bold colors and design choices that make sense.

Stack content and colors, use one huge image, or create a mosaic whatever helps you get your message across in a bold way. 

Use a wild design for your save the date, registration, countdowns, or highlights to grab attention.

It’s hard to stand out in an inbox. If you can take a risk, you might be surprised at the response. 

Event email marketing best practice #6 Optimize for web AND mobile

How many times have you missed half the text in an event email because it cuts off on your smartphone? Readers will disregard your message if they don’t understand what you’re trying to tell them.

42.3% of users delete emails that are not optimized for mobile. – SaleCycle

With a clear and concise message, you won’t run into the problem of missing text, but how about your creative photo display or stunning graphics? 

85% of users access email via mobile. (99firms) So, if it’s not web or mobile-optimized, your event email template will most likely not display correctly and you run the risk of losing clicks and attendance for your next big event.

Event email template example

Event email marketing best practice #7 Include creative content

When you’ve fully optimized your event email template for web and mobile, you can freely include all the bold, eye-catching, fun content that will result in increased clicks and engagement.

Consider including the following to boost activity and create a memorable email experience:

  • Photos
  • Video clips of past events
  • Pre-event surveys
  • Quizzes
  • Polls

By providing a lot of engagement and featuring past events, you’re also carrying out successful event email marketing and generating interest in your next event.

Event email marketing best practice #8 Tease out important details

Is your next big hybrid event coming up and you need top-notch hybrid event marketing? Think about what aspects will draw attention and tease out how amazing it’s going to be over several event emails during your event email marketing campaign. 

Consider advertising important speakers, can’t-miss entertainment, or exciting workshops. Offer early bird discounts or perks for inviting others.

You can even tease your swag. Include these elements as part of your “save the dates” and upcoming reminder event email templates as the event nears. Remind your readers why they want to be there and how they shouldn’t miss the opportunities and value your event will present. 

Event email marketing best practice #9 Pull from the past, look to the future

Creating new promotional content such as blog posts, graphics, and videos is awesome and helpful for creating hype around your upcoming event, so be sure to embed this content into your event emails. 

But sprinkled in with the new, pull in some content from past events. Include this type of past content:

  • Video clips and photos
  • Keynote highlights
  • Attendee quotes
  • Soundbites

Bring together old and new content in unique ways: 

“Last year, we had a lot of fun with [event highlight]. So this year, we are taking it to the next level with [new event idea].”

“[Speaker name] taught us last year that [insert lesson]. We are bringing that to life this year with [insert new session/speaker topic].”

People feel more comfortable when they know what to expect. Giving them examples from past content in your event email templates will help attendees make connections and picture the opportunities for themselves. It’s also an opportunity to show off your growth.

Event email marketing best practice #10 Perfect the email reminder

You need to be persistent in reminding people of your upcoming event, but never annoying. The last thing you want to do is make people so tired of your event emails that they unsubscribe.

Avoid email fatigue by continuing to provide new information, important reminders, and quality content to keep event emails fresh, inviting, and engaging.

The key is to target reminders to the appropriate reader: Who has already registered and needs actual event logistics? Who still hasn’t registered but opens every upcoming event email? Who hasn’t opened a single event email, and this is your final request? Customize your reminders to different audience segments for optimal results.

Event email marketing best practice #11 Don’t forget to follow up

Send post-event emails to thank attendees for coming. This follow-up might also include event highlights such as memorable video clips and photos, interesting statistics, and a poll or survey for feedback.

Be sure to make attendees feel like their time was appreciated, and that you genuinely want to hear from them about what they liked and how you can improve future events.

You can also include links to on-demand content, and encourage content sharing on social media to expand your reach and gain fresh interest.

Pair the best event email templates with an event platform to drive results

If you use these event email templates and apply these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to crafting engaging, first-rate event email marketing content that will boost attendance, clicks, and interaction.

As you gather more and more data from attendees, you can continue tailoring your upcoming events email templates and post-event email templates to guarantee even greater success.

With an event platform like SpotMe, you can design and schedule event emails quickly and easily. Some event email templates are already set up for you on the platform! You can simply adapt them to your needs.

Plus, you can get crucial data from the event emails you send to help personalize your content and build better customer relationships.

To get more insights on how to write winning event emails, download our event email templates now. We’ve created the templates based on 20+ years of experience in the event industry.

And to see how SpotMe can help make your events a success, request a demo.

Everything you need for your event email marketing strategy

Check out the following articles to find the solution that will support your event marketing strategy:

Other templates to help you run engaging events that audiences love

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Kathryn Humphries

As SpotMe’s Head of Content, I share useful insights and handy tips on event management, marketing, and tech every day. I have 6+ years’ experience writing, editing, and managing content for large international companies. When I’m not coming up with creative ideas, you’ll find me singing along to musical theater or traveling the world!

SpotMe is the enterprise event platform to create engaging experiences that audiences love.

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